My Story
We are Love, remembering itself.
Ever play the game so well you end up feeling inauthentic, isolated and trapped inside your own seemingly beautiful life? That was me. Sometimes you master the external game only to realize your internal world is still one of questioning, pain, mistrust, doubt, suffering and loneliness. Sometimes you've done the inner work but can't quite seem to get the external results you so desire. My work helps people navigate their transformational journey with the wisdom and tools I've gained through more than a decade of healing work, training, practice, teaching and entrepreneurship.
​I live my personal version of ultimate freedom. I do what I want, when I want, where I want, with whom I want to do it. I work from anywhere (and have for 15+ years), run dream retreats, play in nature and spend lots of time with my communities. My body, mind, emotional state and spiritual practice are my absolute top priorities. My life, health, business and relationships thrive as a result. I live in alignment with my teachings, I take incredibly good care of myself every day and prioritize my own well-being so I can be of service to the world just by being who I am. I genuinely love myself, hold myself gently, show up to my own work and allow others to do the same for themselves. I allow myself to be completely messy and ask for help when I need it. I live what I teach, every day, to the best of my ability.​
But it wasn't always this way...
As an only child with spiritual gifts I didn't understand, I grew up feeling isolated, highly sensitive and different. My father was deeply spiritual - a Native medicine man, healer and psychic who carried a lot of power and a lot of pain. As an attuned child without a safe connection to tribe, I started drinking at a young age in order to "fit in" and tune out the extra-sensory information I was receiving on a daily basis. I learned how to be who I thought I was "supposed" to be - a free-spirited, popular party girl with her shit together - someone who everyone wanted to be around. I built my entire life around being well-liked, and I got really good at it. ​Throughout my early adulthood I was split between two worlds - I would literally go from the yoga studio to the club. I'd home cook an organic vegan meal and then take shots until 6am at an afterparty. I felt like myself nowhere.
One day in 2014, I woke up feeling trapped and bored as hell in my beautiful life in San Diego, so I decided to scrap it all and move to the Caribbean. I knew there was something more for me, I just didn't know what (yet). I taught yoga full-time, spent days in the ocean, and made new friends. For a while, I felt more me than ever. ​But then, 2017 happened.
I came home from work to my partner ending our relationship without warning, and I was absolutely devastated for the first time in my adult life. I had never allowed myself to actually feel pain that deep, and wondered how I would survive it. This breakup was the catalyst - I finally let myself feel, and when I did, all the repressed pain of my childhood came pouring out. I spent about four months crying on a couch wondering if the hurt would ever end, and a couple more months slowly putting my life back together.
It was right about then that I received a call with the next most horrifying news I could imagine - my best friend died unexpectedly from an accidental overdose. Again, my heart was completely broken. A couple months after that, back-to-back hurricanes devastated my Caribbean home of St. Thomas, wildfires scorched my hometown of Sonoma County, and my mom went into an induced coma, nearly dying of multiple lung infections. It was an entire year of living every single worst nightmare I had ever had. I was afraid to wake up every morning, certain that something else even worse would happen. I could hardly believe how resilient we humans really are, I wondered how so many like me had made it through such brutal moments with grace.​
It wasn't until I discovered the power of radical commitment that everything in my life shifted, and the work that resulted became my medicine for the world. I learned what becomes possible when you start taking impeccably good care of yourself, I learned that vulnerability is the path to true connection, and I learned that our pain is what shapes us - but it's up to you to decide how it will shape you. I learned that mentorship and group work is the path to fulfillment in this life. Healing doesn't happen in a vacuum. It happens together. I took everything life gave me and turned it into art.
Today, I run my own business doing what I truly love, helping people change their lives in powerful ways and contributing to a more harmonious existence for all. I've built a million-dollar business loving people. I've coached hundreds of people to create a dream life like I did. And, just because I've been living my dream for the last decade does not mean it's been all sunshine and roses.
I lost my mom unexpectedly, grieved her with my whole heart and become a certified death doula. I hold ceremony for weddings, memorial services and community events. I became a wedding officiant and birth doula. After eight years of live group programs and retreats with Experience Freedom, I retired and turned all our programs into digital self-paced courses to make way for new projects, collaborations and ventures that are more aligned to who I've become. I launched a new retreats business for emotionally mature, spiritually-solid and growth-oriented adults called True Nature.
I weave through my ever-evolving nature with grace, ease, and a lot of fun.​ This is why I'm so passionate about showing you that the life you dream of is absolutely possible, no matter what you've been through. It's possible because of what you've been through.
Peace, health, freedom, connection and love can be yours, and the realization of that into your actual reality is what moves the entire world in that direction. You can be free no matter what you've endured. In fact, your big dreams are possible because of what you've experienced. Opening to life completely is the path to genuine freedom and love. Your shame is a lie. It is safe to open and be the real you. It is safe to trust people and really let them in. You deserve community. You deserve to discover the truth of who you are and live in complete alignment with that.
I'm here to help you realize and embody that truth.​​ It is my honor to serve you, it is my joy to walk alongside you. Thank you for being here.
Certified Breakthrough Artist, The Master Shift
Certified Natural Healer
Master Reiki Practitioner
Advanced Life Coach Certification
Master Astrologer Certification
Certified Yoga Teacher + Continuing Education Provider, E-RYT 500
Bhakti Yoga Certification
Plant-Based Nutrition Certification, Cornell University
Certified Death Doula
Certified Birth Doula
Certified Minister + Wedding Officiant
Aerial Silks Instructor + Performer
Amazon Best-Selling Author: Empowered, Courageous and Free (3x Amazon Best-Seller)